Sunday, August 14, 2005


Escape Velocity

No, seriously, we're going. Just not today. Today won't work because
A) my cigarette lighter doesn't work and so we've no way to charge the cel phone
B) I have a hangover
I went to a party where I knew one person. It was a shiny party. John gave me extra blonde highlights and blew me out. I even managed to dress like Los Angeles. I think.

And still, the shiny people are not like me. I tried until 1am to be myself, but only because I'd been drinking. If I'd been sober I would have realized that I was supposed to hide and watch. Well, if I'd been sober I would have realized that I was supposed to go home.

Instead I stayed on and bruised my nose over and over against the conversational stone walls thrown up in my path. In spite of my gin-induced haze, I did begin to wonder if the experience was one that I would encounter again on our road trip. Because there are probably a couple more people out there that aren't like me.

Hide and watch? Grow a callus? Or turn around and go home?

remember that not only are there many more people out there that aren't like you, you aren't like them either.
In many, if not most cases, that should make you very happy.
If you do grow a callus can you grow some extra? I'm all out.
Rooting for you,
love, Steph
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